As Christina Edwards has moved through her story, she has found joy and power in the stories that are being told digitally.

As Christina Edwards has moved through her story, she has found joy and power in the stories that are being told digitally.

The Lola member, Christina Edwards has found joy in her not-so-linear journey. She has found her passion in digital content creation, and loves hearing and seeing other people’s stories presented in this way. When she isn’t working you can find her working on creating beautiful ceramics or listening to music.


Christina Edwards

Location: Atlanta, GA

Age: 39 years

What I do: Consultant and online course creator


Briefly describe who you are, what you do for work and for fun

I’m a life-long entrepreneur, marketing consultant and online course creator for nonprofits and social-impact brands, mother of two kiddos, modern art & music lover (90s grunge, rap, and punk are it!), proud Greek, hobby ceramicist, and chronic over-packer.

Share your career story with us

A few years ago a client asked me if I got my degree in marketing, and I just laughed, “well, of course not!” To me, it seems normal to not have a linear career path. I come from a very entrepreneurial family, and I’m sure much of that translated into my can-do-it work ethic. My dad is an antique dealer and my grandfather had many businesses from a fruit stand in Panama to a tailor shop in Doraville. While finishing up my art degree and business minor, I managed front-of-house for a concert venue, The Tabernacle, then moved into bartending at the venue. I also worked for many years at Betsey Johnson, who was a big idol of mine growing up. She’s eccentric and leans into her flavor-of-weird and working for her company was a college job that I held onto for many years, having worked in her studio in New York and back here in Atlanta, post-college. After a few years in real estate, I opened a Social Media agency that successfully launched real estate developments including Ponce City Market as well as working with, my favorite, social-impact brands and nonprofits. See… not so linear!

A few years ago I felt really pulled to work with mission-driven brands and nonprofits exclusively, and so, my consultancy was born. Today I work with organizations across the country as a marketing, communications, and fundraising strategist. I teach online courses and workshops to organizations who are, now more than ever, realizing the importance of developing relationships online! I have an on-demand free training, the 3 Keys to a Buzzworthy and Profitable Fundraiser, which is the best way to learn about the process I’ve created to master social fundraising.

Were you inspired by anyone or anything when deciding on your career path?

I’m most inspired by people who are willing to get out of their own way (or own head) to make a difference, take risks, fall, get back up, and go after their dreams.

What does success look like to you?

I recently read a quote that really sums it up beautifully, “Becoming successful is more about fully being yourself than it is about any kind of formula.” – Donald Miller.

So many of us were socialized to believe that success=money. But, really, I’ve watched this within my own businesses and revenue growth… The two are pretty unrelated.

And, while it might be cliche, success really is built on a pile of failures… so success is an openness to be my truest self, go after my goals, show up authentically, and keep going (even when it’s hard).

Has COVID-19 affected your view on what you do for work or how you work? If yes, why and how?

Last year really was the year of doubling-down. My business grew, bigtime, and I completely built out another arm of my services, which was exciting and also really challenging. I felt like I went to graduate school, learning all new software, making huge investments in myself, my brain, and building out the online-course side of my business. It has paid off tremendously, and I’m so proud of myself for going all-in and doing it in the most personally challenging time of my life.

As a business owner, it’s my responsibility to make room at the table, so to speak, for people who do not have the same privilege I do.

The social justice movement amidst COVID-19 shed light on that for me and my business. I audited my own network, referral partners, and contractors, and made changes and started new relationships where I knew I could do better.

What struggles have you faced as a womxn in your career field? Did you overcome those struggles? How? What did you learn as a result?

This statistic rings true: Men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100% of them.

So many womxn are raised to think they have to have this college-to-career straight line… or that they “wouldn’t be good at it” and talk themselves out of a dream job.. and I believe it’s one of the biggest lies we tell ourselves.

What womxn do you think (past or present) have owned and told their stories in the most powerful way?

As a mother and business owner, sometimes it’s helpful just to feel validated – that someone else has experienced the mom guilt, overwhelm, or challenges of it all. Glennon Doyle is a beautiful and courageous storyteller… Rachel Rodgers is such a wonderful force for so many online course creators, business owners, and womxn. Dr. Wendy Mogul has several books and a podcast I really enjoy for a semi-zen and straightforward perspective on parenting.

Can you share any resources that have helped improve your communication or storytelling skills?

Yes! I’m big on podcasts, books, and audiobooks… so here are some favorites:

  • Untamed by Glennon Doyle
  • Donald Miller, Building a StoryBrand
  • Hello Seven podcast by Rachel Rodgers
  • Work Life podcast by Adam Grant
  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Just Kids by Patti Smith
  • Anything by David Sedaris
  • Weekly newsletter by Laura Belgray (Talking Shrimp)

What are some unexpected, unique or inspiring ways you’ve seen womxn tell their stories

Anything digital speaks to me. Podcasts, IGTV, IG Stories, and email newsletters… Those are powerful ways for womxn to connect and share their stories. We’re all most interested when people give us a peek behind the scenes… “what’s life really like?”

Is there anything else you’d like to share that may give us a better understanding of your personal story?
My not-so-linear career path is one of my superpowers… and it is for anyone else reading this too! There’s so much overlap in being a top salesperson, bartender, small business owner, and even real estate agent, even though it might not seem so at first glance. It all hinges on relationship building, storytelling, and how the two intersect to make money. I started coaching one-on-one with freelancers and entrepreneurs in the last year to help them breakthrough some of the blocks that are keeping them stuck. Being self-employed can feel lonely or overwhelming, but, once you get out of your own way, it’s magic!


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