We would like to take a moment to celebrate Valerie Crisostomo.
Valerie Crisostomo values community, growth and self-care. Her love for community is clearly seen in her interactions at The Lola, and her presence as one of our Community Managers is much appreciated. When she isn’t growing her event planning business, One Soul Events & Flowers, you can find her trying out new restaurants around Atlanta!
Valerie Crisostomo
Location: Atlanta, GA
Age: 31 years
What I do: Event Planner and Florist at One Soul Events & Flowers
Briefly describe who you are, what you do for work and for fun
I am an event planner and florist in the Atlanta area. For work, I play with flowers and finish to-do lists. For fun, I like to try new local restaurants!
What has brought you the most joy over the past 12 months?
Some of the largest themes in my life in the last 12 months have been community, growth, and self-care. The pandemic has shown us that meeting together can never be replaced, just changed. We really need each other more than we know. It has been a season where I’ve been able to clearly see myself and have faced the challenge to either stay the same or to grow… I chose the latter.
What lessons have you learned?
The lessons I have learned are that life truly does go on and that you must find a way to become your own very best friend while setting boundaries in your friendships, relationships, and career.
What have you been most grateful for?
I am most grateful for my house. During this shift in the world, my home has been a safe haven for me, and the place where I have found the most refuge.
Has the pandemic changed your goals, priorities or perspective, if so how?
Building my business and the relationship with myself has been at the forefront of my daily activities; I am not the same woman that I was before the pandemic. I am a much stronger, emotionally healthier, more grounded– version of myself.
Where are you right now and what is your hope for your next chapter?
I am in a season of waiting and sowing. As I grow my business and expand my relationships, I am making connections and setting the foundation for a vibrant career. My hope is that in this next chapter, I will be able to connect with others and make more meaningful connections. In this next chapter of my life, it is all about how I engage and interact with others.
What do you most need help with to get you there and what has been holding you back?
In my next chapter, I want to connect with and get to know others in the events & flowers industry and beyond. Relationships are key to staying focused and growing. The lack of in-person meetings has held me back some, but I hope to go to more industry meetings and gatherings in this new chapter.
If you could achieve your goals what would that mean to you? How would your life, career, business or brand change?
Achieving my goals would mean that more people who did not already know each other, would connect and grow. My goal is to be a catalyst for others to build friendships and business relationships.
Taking away all of the normal parameters we put around things (the hours we work, expectations of others, current clients needs, family needs) what would your “ideal” week look like, include all of your key priorities, such as; health, wellbeing, family, friends, love, hobbies, personal interests, play, joy as well as work?
My ideal workweek would include many appointments where I met with family members, caught up with friends, and gave back by mentoring young adults starting their lives right out of college. I would meet with my personal trainer twice a week and also bike the Beltline, a lot! I would spend time designing flower arrangements to give away and would be expanding my craft in floral design.
How has The Lola community and the Members helped you find success?
The Lola has aided in my success as a young woman and as an entrepreneur.
I especially appreciate the leadership and how they foster relationships and community between women in the same and even different industries!